Kunjungan Industri Ke PT. Amerta Indah Outsuka

Industrial Visit is an annual routine activity carried out by students of SMK Islam Islam Mbah Bolong. This Industrial Visit is an activity carried out to visit a company that is an example of an activity or a picture of the work that will be done by students or students.

On an industry visit, students are invited to see how a company operates and works. They are given an overview of a job in their area of expertise and they are also given an overview of what to do in the world of work.

This Industry Visit will also show about many things that exist in the employment field so that students or students are not surprised or used to accepting jobs or working according to expertise. The industry also aims to mentally train students so that they can work with any situation and condition. Without an industry visit, students will of course feel shocked or unaccustomed to doing work in a company. They definitely really need to adjust to the corporate environment. So with industrial visits, students can be expected to quickly adjust to the company environment or the world of work and can also add various knowledge about the industrial world.

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